( -ties) |
[1] 権威, 威光;権力;〈over, with ..に対する〉. |
 | | challenge the ~ of tradition 伝統の権威に挑戦する. |
 | | the ~ of a father 父親の威光. |
 | | The teacher has no ~ with his students. その先生は生徒に全然にらみがきかない. |
 | | Mr. Brown is in ~ here. ここはブラウン氏が統轄している. |
 | | exercise ~ over one's subordinates 部下に対して権力を行使する. |
[連結]full [absolute, supreme] ~//possess [assume; accept; resist; undermine] ~ |
[2](a) 権限, 職権;資格の認可, 許可;〈for ..に対する/to do ..する〉. |
 | | What ~ do you have for entering this building? この建物に立ち入る何の権限があるのか. |
 | | Who gave you the ~ to do that? 君がそれをすることをだれが許可したか. |
 | | under the ~ of the Ministry of Construction 建設省に許可されて. |
(b) 〈普通, 単数形で〉許可証. |
 | | Will you show me your ~? 許可証をお見せください. |
[3] 威信;影響力;説得力, 確信. |
 | | a man of ~ 威信を備えた人. |
 | | His opinion has a lot of ~. 彼の意見は影響力が大である. |
 | | say with great ~ 確信に満ちて言う. |
[4] 〈しばしばthe -ties〉当局, 権威筋;公共事業機関. |
 | | the proper authorities=the authorities concerned 関係当局, 当該官庁. |
 | | the municipal authorities 市当局. |
 | | the school authorities 学校当局. |
 | | the Tennessee Valley Authority テネシー川流域開発公社. |
[5] 権威者, 大家,〈on ..についての〉. |
 | | an ~ on mathematics 数学の権威. |
[6] 典拠, 出所,〈for ..〔情報, 主張など〕の〉. |
 | | have no good ~ for such a belief そう信じる確かな根拠がない. |
 | | The Bible is the sole ~ in his everyday life. 聖書が彼の日常生活の唯一の指針である. |
 | | I have it on good ~ that the Foreign Secretary will shortly resign. 確かな筋によると外務大臣は近く辞任するようだ. |